Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When life does't give you lemons

I do believe that moving here to live with Bill was one of the best choices I have ever made. Since being here, I've had so many things to adjust to. The life I have here is very different than living in a big city like Phoenix. I can't say it's been easy for me. At times, adjusting has been extremely hard. Still, I'm very happy with Bill. I wouldn't want it any other way. Being apart was entirely too difficult. We have blended our families well and seem to mesh perfectly. Some said it couldn't be done.

We have had some times of difficulty like any relationship will have. We get through them and only become closer. Being apart for so long taught us how to communicate well. I don't think I've ever had better communication with any relationship. He and I can talk to each other which is so amazing. I never feel like I have to hold back. I can be myself, my whole self, and he accepts it. I love that!

I think the hardest thing we had to overcome was finding out I was pregnant. Neither of us wanted more kids but sometimes things happen that we don't prepare for. As time has gone on, we have become excited (and a little nervous) about being parents again. When he rubs my belly and kisses it, my heart soars. I love him so much and I just know that this baby is exactly what is supposed to happen for us. I can't wait to meet our little boy in only a few weeks. I am excited to watch Bill be a father and take our relationship to that level. It could be the hormones but I have to say, I've never felt closer to him than I do now.

As I look back on how our relationship formed and cultivated into what it is now, it all seems as though it flowed perfectly. Synchronicity is amazing and I see it in play here very much. Every event that lead us here was in perfect timing. All is as it should be and that feels pretty damn good!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can't We Get a Break?

I'm seriously tired of the media portraying what we "should" look like. It's bad enough when we have to see it on TV, the Internet, Magazines, etc. But we have perfect women on pregnancy ads too? Where did these women come from? I've seen some really beautiful pregnant women, don't get me wrong. I actually think that pregnancy is beautiful all in itself, but not perfect. I'm sick of opening up these pregnancy magazines at my doctor's office and seeing perfectly round bellies that are completely blemish free. My belly doesn't look like that. It didn't even look like that the first time I got pregnant, much less the third time! It would be so nice for the media to start posting real things. Not what they think is beautiful but what is real. I'd much rather read a magazine that had a picture of a woman standing there with her belly a little droopy and stretchmarks galore! I'd feel much more connected to an image like that. What about a baby commercial with a mom that has bags under her eyes and baby food all over her shirt. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about ladies.

I'm 30 weeks pregnant, I feel like a whale, I am totally uncomfortable, my back hurts, I'm having to pee every 15 minutes, the baby thinks my bladder is a soccer ball, and I haven't had a good night's sleep in months. Someone tell the media to stop making me feel unattractive on top of it all!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Teacher Issues

Yesterday my oldest came home with an F on her report card for math. She has been having problems with this subject for a few years now. It has become worse and worse this year since moving to Tennessee from Arizona. Her step-dad and I have tried working with her at home but it doesn't seem to be helping. She just isn't understanding the work.
After seeing that her grade got worse this time I emailed the teacher. I asked her if there was anything that she thought I could do to help my daughter improve her grade and understand better. I explained that we have been working with her but it doesn't seem to be helping. The teacher emailed me back with a list of her grades and a generic form letter that she hands out in the beginning of the year to her students. This letter basically explains how she teaches and grades. She also stated that she goes over the material for a couple days before testing on it. None of this answered my question. My question, which I thought was clear, was what she thought I could do to help my daughter. I wasn't questioning her teaching abilities. I just want to help.
It seemed clear to me from the email that the problem isn't just my daughter (although I do feel like ultimately it is her responsibility to make good grades). The teacher seems to group all of the kids together and obviously doesn't pay attention to a student that needs extra help. This was obvious to me by the generic response as well as the grades she sent. One of the grades was an in class quiz in which my daughter received a 0. Personally I think that if a student is consistently getting bad grades but seems to be trying, they aren't understanding what is being taught. This means this student may need it explained differently. In fact going over the material over and over in the same way may not work at all.
I feel angry that this is happening. I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I don't expect the teacher to be able to spend tons of time with my daughter. I understand that she has a classroom full of kids. That's not even what I'm asking her to do. I do think however that if a parent reaches out to a teacher, the teacher should at least try to give some advice. 
This is one of the many things I have had issues with at this school. It's a small school in a small town. Most of the people around here know each other and are usually related in some way. That makes it difficult to complain to the people higher up. The principal of this school is no better. I think he needs to find a new profession actually. Moving her to a different class is out of the question because this teacher is the only math teacher for the upper grades. The school is so small that they only have one teacher per grade (except they have 2 for 8th grade). My daughter is in 7th grade this year. The math teacher is currently one of the 8th grade home room teachers. I worry that she will be my daughter's teacher next year. If this happens I'm guessing my daughter will have a hard time in other subjects as well. If her teaching style is not what my daughter needs, she won't learn effectively.
This is my first time living in a small town. Up until this point, I raised my kids in Phoenix, AZ. If something was going on there, a parent had the choice of several teachers and/or schools to send their kids too. It's very different here. I don't have the patience to home school so I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. I suppose the only thing I can do is continue to help her at home. Try my best to teach the material to her and hope that she improves.